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Coins and Presidents

Webster V. Bear

This is a beary easy puzzle. All you need to do is match the coins with the presidents. Have fun!

4       5      
6 7          
8               9
    10   11   12
13               14 15    
  16                   17            
  20     21            
  23     24             25    
      27         28
29                   30
32         33        

3.President when the Standing Liberty Quarter was first minted
4.President when the Indian Princess 3 Dollar Gold Piece was first minted
7.President when the Mecrury Dime was first minted
8.President when the Washinton Quarter was first minted
13.President when the Bicentennial Quarter was minted
16.President when the Indian Head Cent was first minted
17.President when the 2 Cent Piece was first minted
19.President when the Large Cent was last minted
21.President when the Franklin Half Dollar was first minted
24.President when the Lincoln Memorial Replaced the Wheat Cent
26.President when the Sacagawea Dollar was first minted
27.President when the Morgan Dollar was first minted
29.President when the Kennedy Half Dollar was first minted
31.President when the Liberty Cap Half Cent was first minted
32.President when the Gobrecht Dollar was first minted
34.President when the Flying Eagle Cent was first minted
35.President when the Saint-Gaudens 20 Dollar Gold Piece was first minted
36.President when the Large Cent was first minted
1.President when the Eisenhower Dollar was first minted
2.President when the Walking Liberty Half Dollar was first minted
5.President when the State Quarters Program started
6.President when the Liberty Head Nickel was first minted
8.President when the Standing Liberty Quarter was last minted
9.President when the Nickel 3 Cent Piece was first minted
10.President when the Seated Liberty Quarter was first minted
11.President when the Seated Liberty Quarter was last minted
12.President when the Buffalo Nickel was first minted
14.President when the 20 cent piece first minted
15.President when the 3 Cent Silver Piece was first minted
18.President when the Liberty Dollar was first minted
20.President when the Susan B. Anthony Dollar was first minted
22.President when the Seated Liberty Dollar was first minted
23.President when the Presidential Dollar was first minted
25.President when the Half Dime was first minted
28.President when the Lincoln Cent was first minted
30.President when the Stella 4 Dollar Gold Piece was first minted
33.President when the America the Beautiful Quarters were first minted

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