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Astronomy Crossword

Created by your hero, Mr. Olson

This puzzle covers terms from our Astronomy Unit, chapters 19-21 in your textbook.

You will also need your notes from this unit to help you solve the puzzle.

Spelling is important! Please do your work in pencil and write your name on the top.

1 2
5             6            
7   8       9   10      
11               12    
  14                 15
17         18   19   20    
22   23                
27                     28  
29           30 31            

3.The sun is actually not gas, but "a miasma of incandescent _________," which is like a gas with an electrical charge.
5.__________ means equal night, and happens in the spring and fall.
6.___________ is an attractive force that depends on the masses of objects and their distance apart.
7.The ________ is defined as all of space and everything in it.
11.A moon that is less than half full is a _________ moon.
13.The true shape of orbits is an ____________, which is an elongated cirle or oval shape.
14.The longest and shortest days of the year are called ___________.
17.The _______, (meaning crown), is the outer layer of the sun's atmosphere
21.An object will look different when viewed from different angles, due to ________.
23.A German scientist named ____________ described the true shape of orbits and came up with three laws of planetary motion.
24.Roy G. Biv is a colorful man, whose name spells out the whole color spectrum (which is also known as __________ light.)
25.The correct model of our solar system is the _________ model, with the sun in the center.
27.The motion of one object around another, as in orbiting is called _____________.
29.Earth's ______ is tilted at 23.5 degrees from vertical.
31.An ______ occurs when one object blocks light and casts a shadow on another object.
32.The Milky Way is a ________ galaxy. Others are elliptical or irregular shaped.
33.Dark spots on the moon, called ________, were formed from cooling lava after meteor impacts broke open the surface of the moon.
1.When _______ announced he had evidence to support the theory of a sun-centered universe, he was put on house arrest!
2.The sun is a mass of incandescent gas, a gigantic nuclear furnace. Where hydrogen turns into ________ at a temperature of millions of degrees!
4.These waves have the longest wavelength on the electromagnetic spectrum.
6.A moon that is over half full, but not totally full, is called a ________ moon.
8.Moving objects want to stay in motion. Stopped objects want to stay in place. All of these objects have _______.
9.A __________ happens when a very large star explodes near the end of its life.
10.__________ stars burn longer than large ones, because they use their fuel more slowly.
12.The idea that the Earth is in the center of the universe is the ____________ model.
15.____________ is the motion of an object spinning on its axis.
16.A star or a planet can form from a cloud of gas and dust called a _________.
18.____________ is the study of the moon, stars, and other objects in space.
19.The crucial requirements for life -- liquid water, a suitable temperature, and an atmosphere -- are called the "___________ Conditions."
20.A star's brightness is called its _____________.
22.Magnetic storms on Earth are caused by the ________, which is a stream of charged particles moving through space away from the sun. (2 words)
26.Since Earth is tilted on its axis and revolves around the sun, we have __________.
28.A ________ is a cluster made up of hundreds of billions of stars.
30.These types of rays have the shortest wavelength on the electromagnetic spectrum.

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