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Intro to Criminal Justice Review

Marcia Bedard

1                 2       3             4
5 6      
    7         8 9  
16                         17
  18   19                     20    
23           24                      

1.intentional killing without malice aforethought
7.defense that shows the defendant was nowhere near the crime scene on the day in question
11.taking property that is entrusted to you from another person
15.killing with malice aforethought, but without deliberation or premeditation
16.the defendant would not have committed the crime, except for the government's enticement
18.killing done while a person is committing a felony
21.person intends the act when they commit it
22.person breaks the law to prevent a greater evil
23.serious crime, punishable by more than a year in prison
24.defendant must show that because of their mental illness, they did not know right from wrong
2.actual or implied intention to kill with no provocation
3.rule of conduct
4.using force or the threat of force to steal from a person
5.violation of a law
6.forcing a person to help commit a crime
8.prohibited act
9.breaking into a building to steal property
10.deliberate, premeditated killing
12.knowingly misrepresenting a fact to get property from another person
13.less serious crime, punishable by less than a year in jail
14.harm is caused by the act
17.a guilty mind, intent
19.theft, most common crime
20.killing another human being

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