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Yessi's Astronomy Crossword

Yessi Aguilar


1 2 3 4
5   6                    
    7     8  

6.When all of the mass of a star collapses to a poing that has no volume.
9.Cooler areas of the sun's atmosphere.
10.The cloud of dust and gas that is the beginning of a star.
11.Measure of the amount of light from a star that is recieved on earth
14.Largest layer of the sun's atmosphere
15.Patterns of star in the sky.
16.The stage of a star where only neutrons can exist.
17.The layer of the sun's atmosphere where light is given off.
18.Measure of the amount of light that a star gives off.
1.Constellation in the northern shy that circle Polaris.
2.The apparent shift in the position of an object when it is viewed from diffrent places.
3.The stage of a star where the core has used upa the helium, leaving behind a hot, dense core.
4.The stage of a star where the outer layer expands and cools.
5.Distance that light travels in one year.
7.The universe with a enormous explosion and continues to expand.
8.The stage of a star where the core collapses violently and the other portions of the star explodes.
12.The stage of a star where the outer layer expands and cools.
13.The transition zone of the sun's atmosphere.

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