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Global Stratification

Introduction to Sociology

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6.upper-middle-income economies includes our neighbor ______ (public debt to GDP ratio less than US- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_sovereign_states_by_public_debt)
8.Kiva is a microfiance company that allows individuals to make loans around the world as small as ____-____ dollars (http://www.kiva.org/about)
9.in this country, less than 3% of total national income accrues to the poorest one-fifth of the population
12.Perhaps the most significant fact about Russia's social structure is that _____ no longer determines social status.(http://www.mongabay.com/history/russia/russia-social_stratification.html )
13."The problem of inequality lies not in poverty, but in ___." (pg 229)
14.__ is the closing of factories due to obsolete process or outsourcing
1.previously a socialist economy, ____ is a lower-middle-income country
2.___ flight is the movement of jobs and economic resources from one nation to another
3.In 2000, the wealthiest 20% of the world population had ___-__ times the income of the poorest 20%
4.__-__ countries are primarily agrarian, extremely poor, and make up 50% of the world's people
5.the predicted growth of ___ is expected to be 9.5% in 2011 despite the remaining 80 million poor (http://news.xinhuanet.com/english2010/china/2011-06/10/c_13920781.htm)
7.global ___ of poverty refers to the obstacles faced by women that results in being more impoverished
10.__ is all of the goods and services produced within a country's economy during a given year
11.a high-income country with highest public debt to GDP ration

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