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The Trial Process

M Bedard

1             2   3
4 5    
  6               7                    
    15       16  
  17 18                                          
      19   20          

1.letters, notes, deeds, bills, reciepts, etc that porvide proof of information about the case
6.involves questions designed to help the witness tell the story
9.another name for the prosecutor, or attorney who represents the state
11.hearing that is less formal than a trial, in which a third party hears the complaints and makes a decision that both parties agree to abide by
12.the advance sharing of information before the trial
13.the parties talk face-to-face
14.the accused person in a criminal case
18.burden of proof in a criminal trial
20.proves the defendant was not present at the scene of the crime
21.used to prove the facts of the case
23."paints a picture" fof the case that will be presented to the jury
24.only a qualified expert may give this during their testimony
25.something the witness has heard someone say outside the court room
26.means questions and answers must relate to the subject matter of the case
27.speaks for the people or the state
28.the defense must ___________ the evidence presented by the prosecution
29.happens when the witness provides more information than the question called for
2.judge or jury perfomrs this function
3.burden of prove in a civil case
4.weapons, fiber, hair, fingerprints that can provide facts about the case
5.witness must have seen, heard, or experienced whatever they are testifying about
7.means that two or more persons are in conflict and present their arguments before a third party
8.tells the facts to the court about what they saw, heard or experienced
10.suggest the answer desired by the questioner
15.questions asked to show weaknesses in the witness' statement
16.summary used to convince the trier of fact that the evidence presented is enough to win the case
17.the plaintiff or prosecutor has the ____________________
19.a professional who can give medical, scientific, or similar instructions to help the court understand the evidence, may give opinion about their conclusions
22.testimony given outside the court room

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