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Solar System Vocab Review


Review of the vocabulary words for the solar system test

1 2 3
4 5                   6  
      7             8
10                 11  
  17     18 19

4.this is a round solar system body that orbits the sun and has NOT cleared out its orbit (2 Words)
7.this term describes when the entire face of the moon is illuminated (2 Words)
10.this term describes when more and more of the moon appears illuminated over time
12.this is the sun and all of the material that orbits it (2 Words)
13.these are round structures on the moon and planets caused by impacts
14.this is an object that orbits another solar system body
20.this is a smaller rocky solar system body
22.this area of the solar system between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter contains many rocky bodies (2 Words)
24.this term describes the appearence of the moon from Earth
1.this is a large planet composed of gases (2 Words)
2.this is an Earth-like, or rocky planet (2 Words)
3.this is an object that is a satellite of another solar system body
5.this term describes when less and less of the moon appears illuminated over time
6.this section of the solar system contains Pluto, Eris, and many other icy solar system bodies beyond Neptune's orbit (2 Words)
8.this term describes when the moon is not illuminated at all (2 Words)
9.these are the dark areas on the moon
11.this term describes when less than half of the moon is illuminated from our point of view
15.this term describes when more than half of the moon is illuminated from our point of view
16.this term describes when exactly half of the moon is illuminated from our point of view
17.this is a round solar system body that orbits the sun and has cleared out its own orbit
18.this term describes when an object is at its highest point in the sky
19.this is a small ice and dust solar system body
21.these structures on the moon are silimar to valleys or grooves
23.these are lines on the moon that are gathered around craters like flower petals

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