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Chapter 12 Forces

Honors Physical Science

1                               2
3                       4        
7                   8  
10                 11            

1.this is a curved path followed by an object that is thrown, launched, or projected near the surface of the earth.
3.object at rest remains at rest and an object in motion maintains its velocity until it experiences a net force.
6.this is a quantity defined as the product of the massand velocity of an object.
7.this law states that gravitational force __________ as one or both masses increase.
9.this is the motion of a body when only the force of gravity is acting on the body.
10.the unit for mass (kg).
11.the unit for weight is force and weight is measured in _____________.
12.gravitational force __________________ as the distance between two masses increases.
13.all objects in the universe attract each other through the force of __________.
14._____________ is measured in m/s.
2.describes the effect of an unbalanced force on the motion of an object.
3.for every action force there is an equal and opposite reaction force.
4.when air resistance and weight are equal, the object stops accelerating and reaches its maximum velocity.
5.the tendency of an object at rest to remain at rest or if moving to continue moving at a constant velocity.
8.the force of an object due to its gravity is called _________. Mass X free fall acceleration.

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