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Chapter 21 Key Terms

Rhonda Hadnot

Chapter 21 Key Terms

4           5   6 7         8
12                         13

2.Act of marrying again. marriage ceremony, wedding, marriage
4.Pertaining or relating to marriage; suitable or applicable to married people
7.legal pronouncement by a qualified person that further medical care is not appropriate and that a patient should be considered dead under the law
10.Anything that is owned by a person or entity (2 Words)
12.A living arrangement in which an unmarried couple lives together in a long-term relationship that resembles a marriage
14.Cessation; conclusion; end in time or existence
15.An actual dispute between individuals who seek judicial resolution of their grievances that have arisen from a conflict of their alleged legal rights
1.Discrimination on the basis of gender (2 Words)
3.Legal principle that places the responsibility of minimizing damages upon the person who has been injured
5.Payment that a family court may order one person in a couple to make to the other person when that couple separates or divorces
6.The act of dividing up the assets of an estate or trust, or paying out profits or assets of a corporation or business according to the ownership
8.Payment that a family court may order one person in a couple to make to the other person when that couple separates or divorces
9.The restoration of former rights, authority, or abilities
11.Property received from a decedent, either by will or through state laws of intestate succession, where the decedent has failed to execute a valid will
13.A duty placed upon a civil or criminal defendant to prove or disprove a disputed fact

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