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Introduction to Sociology

Alfred Smith

1                   2  

1.More U.S. students are killed in school shootings now than 10 or 15 years ago.
5.The three goals of science are explanation, generalization and _____.
6.The corners of life that people occupy because of where they are located in a society.
7.A man was cutting the lawn and put extra gasoline for the mower in a glass jar. He gets injured and is taken by ambulance to the hospital for stitches. Meanwhile, his wife cleans up at home, pouring the gasoline in the household toilet. Later that day, the now heavily-sutured hubby returns home and decides to use the bathroom. After he sits down, he drops his lit cigarette in the toilet and it explodes, causing significant burns. Once again, the paramedics come out to take him to the hospital.
10.The degree to which people are tied to their social group.
11.People who are employed, but live below the poverty line.
12.1st sociologist to use scientific method to study social phenomenon
13.Data contrary to a person’s beliefs or convictions.
14.The perspective that a society is composed of interrelated parts, each of which serves and contributes to the overall stability of the society.
15.Proposed that the scientific method be used to study society
2.Understanding the relation between our lives as individuals and the larger social forces that help shape them.
3.A microlevel theory which focuses on individuals or small groups, rather than on large-scale social structures.
4.The mass of workers exploited by the bourgeoisie
8.The view that groups in a society are engaged in a continuous power struggle for control of scarce resources.
9.This revolution changed Europe’s economy from agriculture to a/an ______ mode of production.

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