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Basic Family Law Vocabulary

Mr. Horne

Complete the crossword puzzle. Be aware that terms consisting of multiple words may be spread across multiple clues and entries.

1   2  
3 4  
5           6   7      
  11                       12
  14                         15        
  17           18              
  19 20                    
25               26                

1.abbr. for federal statute dealing with kidnapping of a child by the father or mother
5.Word 3 of 3 for theory extending time frame for self defense acts by victims of long-term domestic violence
8.when 2 people intend to live together, this type of contract will clarify their rights in the absence of a legal marriage
10.requirement that an adult child provide for a needy parent
11.this type of agreement clarifies or changes the rights of parties intending to be married
14.blood relationship between two people
15.abbr for the act which establishes consistent rules for custody proceedings in all 50 states
17.marriage entered into by agents of the parties being married and not the parties themselves
20.guardian of financial resources and affairs of a ward
22.to reproduce
24.Word 2 of 3 for theory extending time frame for self defense acts by victims of long-term domestic violence
25.describes a marriage where at least one of the parties married in good faith
26.retroactively invalidates a marriage in limited cases
27.legal union of a man and a woman
2.payments made to a non-marital partner in the event of a separation
3.where someone lives and intends to make their permanent home
4.being married to two different people at the same time
6.term for marriage between people of different races
7.this type of alimony is intended make up for sacrifices made by one spouse, particularly to provide for education and training to improve employment opportunities
9.legal termination or dissolution of a marriage
12.this doctrine requires a husband to provide at least the basics for his wife
13.person protected by a court appointed Guardian
14.the practice of fabricating or lying about the circumstances of a marriage in order to qualify for a speedy divorce
16.agreement whereby a husband and wife live apart while still being married
18.procedure legalized by Roe v. Wade in 1973
19.Word 1 of 3 for theory extending time frame for self defense acts by victims of long-term domestic violence
21.this type of marriage can result if a man and woman live together and act as if they are married, even in the absence of a wedding ceremony
23.neither spouse is required to lay blame on the other in order to obtain this type of divorce

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