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Beauty and the Beast


Beauty and the Beast is a 1991 film made by Walt Disney Pictures. The story bases on a girl named Belle meeting a beast at a dark castle.

1 2
4 5         6    
    8             9          
      10     11

5.Belle's father
8.The Beast's first gift to Belle after she tends to his wounds
9.The main protagonist who wants to marry Belle
12.The year the movie was made [Hint: Write it like in this example {Ex: 2456 is Two-Four-Five-Six}]
13.When this plant loses all its petals, the Beast will stay a beast forever unless if he kisses true love
15.The female teapot servant in the Beast's castle
1.The name of the movie that is about Belle and the Beast
2.The female feather duster servant in the Beast's castle
3.The secondary protagonist who constantly gets insulted by Gaston
4.The female wardrobe servant in the Beast's castle
6.The male clock servant in the Beast's castle
7.The company that made Beauty and the Beast
8.The male candelabra servant in the Beast's castle
10.The male main protagonist in Beauty and the Beast
11.The female main protagonist in Beauty and the Beast
14.The male teacup servant in the Beast's castle

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