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Solar System

Patrick Campbell

1       2    
4 5   6         7    
10       11      
  12             13  
14 15        
  16 17            
18         19    
21   22             23      
31   32  
  33         34 35    
36       37    

1.What made the universe
4.How many moons does jupiter have
7.How many moons does mars have
8.True or False? Is the Sun a star
9.What was the first name of the first man on the moon
10.what is the name of pluto's largest moon
12.What was the second name of the first man on the moon
15.How many rings does Uranus have
17.What is the closet gas planet to the sun
18.7th planet from the sun
22.what is the universe doing
23.What was the second man on the moon's nickname
24.What is the name of the closest asteroid belt outside our solar system
25.8th planet from the sun
26.what would saturn do if you put it in a big glass of water
27.We live here
29.What do things on Earth need to survive
33.How many rings does Saturn Have
34.Orbits Earth
36.how many moons doe pluto have
39.Is now a dwarf planet
40.How many moons does Uranus have
2.Where will the next Solar Eclipse be
3.how many moons does venus have
5.Which space station always has one person on it
6.what is the name of Neptune's largest moon
8.how many moons does neptune have
11.How many moons does earth have
13.Does the sun have a moon
14.True or False? is there water on Mars
16.Has rings
17.Largest planet
19.If you fell into a black hole what would happen. You would...
20.What month did we land on the moon
21.Which of Saturn's moons may have water
26.how many rings does Jupiter have
28.2nd closet planet to the sun
30.Gives off light and heat
31.Known as the red planet
32.Closest planet to the sun
35.What circles around in a space helmet to stop the visor fogging up
37.How many planets are in out solar system
38.how many moons does mercury have

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