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Space and Solar system

Jacob Elwick

About our solar system

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3.Along with satellites .......... orbits the earth (2 Words)
5.Asteroids are chunks of........
8.Scientist believe that mars once had ........ on it
10.The cloud of comets beyond Pluto (2 Words)
11.The name of our solar system (2 Words)
13.The streak of dust behind a comet is called a ,......
14.The first man on the moon (2 Words)
15.Jupiters rings are caused by ...... (2 Words)
17.This gas is found on Neptune and also in balloons
18.Jupiter is the first of what scientists call the ........ (2 Words)
22.Our solar system formed how many years ago (2 Words)
23.The company that explores the solar system
24.Like our moon, Mercury has lots of ........
27.Second person on the moon (2 Words)
29.The planet closest to the sun
30.The sun produces .........
32.There is no ....... in space
35.Named after the roman god of the sea
36.Like our sun but further away
37.Largest planet in the solar system
40.A dwarf planet named after the roman goddess of agriculture
41.Uranus' upper atmosphere absorbs ....... light waves
1.The things that humans send out to explore the universe
2.The cyclone raging on Jupiter (3 Words)
4.Also known as the red planet
6.Venus' atmosphere is made of..... (2 Words)
7.The planet famous for having rings around it
9.Uranus has a blue colour because of ......... in the outer layer
12.The asteroid belt is located between which 2 planets (2 Words)
16.The name of the expedition that explored the moon
19.Mercury is the solar systems ......... planet
20.The object at the centre of the solar system
21.Pluto's orbit sometimes goes ......... Neptune's orbit
25.Mars surface is covered in deep ........
26.Comets are actually chunks of .........
27.Jupiter is the solar systems ........ planet
28.The way objects circle a planet
31.The only planet in the Milky Way that begins with U
33.what colour does Uranus appear to be
34.Became a dwarf planet in 2006
36.Venus' ....... is similar to earth's
38.The only planet in the Milky Way that can sustain life
39.The planet named after the roman goddess of love

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