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Solar Sstem

Jacko Eyres

on the solar system

2 3 4   5
6         7 8         9      
10           11       12          
19               20           21      
    22   23          
24 25        
28     29   30   31                 32 33
      34                     35  
38           39         40            

6.It was stripped of its planet
8.it is similar size to the earth and the atmosphere is primarily carbon dioxide
10.The outermost gas giant
12.This is the only planet with a ring around it
14.The man who discovered jupiter
16.They are a rocky substance
18.It is a sudden brightening of the sun observed
19.The first man on the moon
21.This rocky planet has seen volcanoes
22.A process by which the atmosphere melts
26.The second man on the moon
28.The surface of the sun or other celestrial body projected against the sub
31.It measures what activity and life are on the planets
34.nearly every planet and moon have this
36.It is a large group of stars
38.It is the third of the gas giants`
39.Something that travels around planets
40.A mutual physical force that makes two bodies attract
1.A region of charged particles in planets
2.a flash of light
3.It deals with celestial objects
4.Its a shooting star in the movies
5.our great planet
7.A narrow steam of gas particles ejection from a accretion
9.A element consisting of one electron and one proton
11.It is a astronomical event that occurs when a astronomical event when obscured
13.It is in our air
15.It is the galaxy that contains our Solar System
17.all the planets form this
20.Things that fly people to the moon
23.An Astronomical unit of measure equal to the distance light travels
24.It is the largest planet in the solar system
25.It is also known as a jovian planet
27.The theory that suggests that the world was created in one point
29.Jupiter was named after the the something of the gods
30.A interval of a complete cycle
32.Its hot and it provides us with light
33.It orbits close to the sun
35.it is a company who fly people to the moon and make rocket ships
37.Mars is named after the god of it

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