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Brittany Nation

Properties of solutions,Concentration of solutions,Colligative properties of solutions,and Calculations involving colligative properties.

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3.concentration of a solute in a solution expressed as the number of moles of solute dissolved in 1 kilogram of solvent.
4.the amount of a substance that dissolves in a given quantity of solvent at specified conditions of temperature and pressure to produce a saturated solution
10.difference in temperature between the boiling point of a solution and the boiling point of the pure solvent (3 Words)
11.liquids soluble in one another
13.at a given temperature the solubility of a gas is directly proportional to the pressure of the gas above the liquid. (2 Words)
14.describes liquids that are insoluble in one another.
16.concentration of solute in a solution expressed as the number of moles of solute dissolved in 1 liter of solution
17.the change in boiling point for a 1-molal solution of a nonvolatile molecular solute. (5 Words)
18.measurement of the amount of solute that is dissolved in a given quantity of solvent. mol/L
1.change in freezing point for a 1-molal solution of a nonvolatile molecular solute. (5 Words)
2.contains a small amount of solute (2 Words)
5.the difference in temperature between the freezing point of a solution and the freezing point of the pure solvent. (3 Words)
6.solution containing a large amount of solution. (2 Words)
7.a solution that contains more solute than it can theoretically hold at a given temperature. (3 Words)
8.a property of a solution that depends only upon the number of solute particles, not identities. (2 Words)
9.solution containing the maximum amount of solute for a given amount of solvent at a constant temperature and pressure (2 Words)
12.opposite of saturated solution (2 Words)
15.the ratio of moles of solution to the total number of moles of both solvent and solute (2 Words)

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