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Sample Spaces and Probability

Mrs. K. B. Smalls

Probability and Statistics - Vocabulary associated with determining sample spaces and finding the probability of an event using classical probability or empirical probability.

1 2 3 4
  7       8  
    9       10    

5.use personal experience to determine numerical probability (2 Words)
11.use sample space to determine numerical probability (2 Words)
12.the set of outcomes in the sample space that are not included in the outcomes of event E. (denoted as "E bar") (4 Words)
13.consists of a set of outcomes for the probability experiment
14.action of an event
15.an event with two or more outcomes (2 Words)
1.result of one trial of a probability experiment
2.chance process that lead to outcomes (2 Words)
3.phenomenon that as the number of trials of a fair event increases, the empirical probability will approach the theoretical probability (4 Words)
4.an event with one outcome (2 Words)
6.same chances of occurring (3 Words)
7.segments from starting point branching out to include all possible outcomes (2 Words)
8.the chance of an event occurring
9.set of all possible outcomes of probability experiment (2 Words)
10.use the actual experiment to determine the numerical probability (2 Words)

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