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6.2-6.6 Vocabulary

Mrs. Roberts

1 2 3
4                             5 6              
8                                 9 10
18 19                      
  23             24 25
    26 27             28         29        

4.grid system for predicting all the possible genotypic results from given parental genotypes
6.genetically uniform and always produces the same thing
8.crosses that examine the inheritance patterns of two traits
11.the separation of sister chromatids that move to opposite sides of the cell
12.the allele that can only be expressed if both are recessive
14.both alleles are dominant and expressed with uppercase letters
17.Mendel's 1st law that states that an individual will inherit 2 copies of each gene which will separate out during Meiosis to different gametes
18.the physical expression of a trait; its appearance
20.genes located close together on the same chromosome and tend to be inherited together
21.a mixture of different genes that do not always produce the same traits in successive offspring
22.Lining up in the middle of homologous chromosomes
23.an inherited characteristic
27.duplicated copies of DNA held together by centromeres
30.both alleles are recessive and expressed with lower case letters
31.the division of homologous chromosomes
32.having more than 5 fingers or toes
1.allele pairs separate independently of each other during gametogenesis
2.the allele combination; the genetic makeup of specific genes
3.a segment of DNA code that holds the instructions for how to build a specific protein; represented on a karyotype as bands or stripes
5.the first generation from the p-generation
7.the second generation from the p-generation
9.the exchange of chromosome segments between homologous chromosomes during Prophase I
10.the study of how traits are inherited
13.the specific location of a gene on a chromosome
15.the allele that is expressed when at least one is present
16.crosses examining the inheritance of only one trait
19.one allele is dominant and the other is recessvie; expressed as one uppercase and one lowercase
24.the division of sister chromatids
25.a cross between an organism of unknown genotype and an organism with the recessive phenotype
26.all of an organism's genes on it's DNA
28.the mating of two organisms
29.alternate forms of a gene that may occur at a specific locus

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