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Chapter 11 Influencing Government

Dr. Reimer

____15 A B C D F

5   6  
11     12                    

1.a specialist whose job it is to conduct polls regularly
2.a survey in which individuals are asked to answer questions about a particular issue or person (3 Words)
4.newspapers, magazines, newsletters, and books (2 Words)
7.radio, television, and the internet (2 Words)
9.the course of action the government takes in response to an issue or problem (2 Words)
10.A group of people who share a point of view about an issue and unite to promote their beliefs (2 Words)
11.issues considered to be the most significant by government officials (2 Words)
13.representative of an interest group who contacts lawmakers or other government officials directly to influence their policymaking
14.an organization that supports causes that affect the lives of Americans in general (3 Words)
1.political organization established by a corporation, labor union, or other special-interest group designed to support candidates by contributing money (3 Words)
3.mechanism of mass communication, including television, radio, newspapers, magazines, recordings, movies and books (2 Words)
5.the release of secret government information by anonymous government officials to the media
6.the ideas and attitudes that most people hold about elected officials, candidates, government, and political issues (2 Words)
8.government censorship of material before it is published (2 Words)
12.written untruths that are harmful to someone’s reputation

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