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John Sandercock

1             2 3
  4 5               6
7                           8          
10       11   12                       13        
  16                       17              
19   20       21   22        
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29                     30                        
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35                     36                      
        37         38
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          44   45
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53                 54   55              
          56             57              
60             61      
62                     63  

1.Sedimentary rocks formed from rock particles
5.Igneous rocks cooled on the surface
7.Where the hanging wall moves upward (7,5)
8.Most abundant element in the crust
10.Molten rock on the Earth's surface
12.The mountains at divergent plate boundaries (5,5)
13.The stress that causes strike-slip faults
14.The least useful property used to identify minerals
16.These soils engineering properties are determined by particle shape
17.Soil transported by wind
22.The most important weathering agent
23.Difference between graphite and diamond (6,9)
25.The direction of the intersection of a folded rock with the horizontal
28.A metamorphic rock rich in mica
29.The force that causes reverse faults
30.Where the hanging wall moves downward (6,5)
31.Axial line of a syncline
35.Two tectonic plates moving apart
36.A rock altered by heat and/or pressure
41.Axial line of an anticline
42.Boundaries between the Earth's layers
46.The shape of the Earth
47.Sedimentary rocks formed from skeletons
49.Causes volcanoes that are not at plate boundaries (3,4)
50.Cuts through country rock
52.What minerals form given time and space
53.Characteristic of regional metamorphic rocks
55.Metamorphic rock type caused by high pressure
56.The most common type of rock in the Earth's continental crust
57.Quality of the reflected light
58.Foreign rock
59.Only common non-silicate mineral
61.The mountains at convergent plate boundaries
62.The parent rock of marble
64.A solid, naturally occurring, inorganic solid of definite chemical composition
65.These soils engineering properties are determined by mineral composition
66.The softest mineral
1.Tendency of a mineral to break along a smooth plane
2.Sedimentary rock made up of pieces of rounded gravel
3.The most common type of rock in the Earth's oceanic crust
4.A sedimentary rock layer is younger than the layer below it
6.The hardness of quartz
8.Mineral the upper mantle is comprised of
9.The ratio of mass to volume
11.Rock fractures displaying no movement
13.A low grade metamorphic rock
15.Soil transported by gravity
17.Soil transported by fresh water
18.Darker minerals in an igneous rock
19.Aggregates that love water
20.The steepest angle of descent of a tilted rock stratum
21.Divergent oceanic plates cause this (3,5,9)
24.Any xenoliths trapped in a body of rock must be older than that rock
25.The colour of the powdered mineral
26.Quartz in granite
27.Two tectonic plates colliding
32.Lighter minerals in an igneous rock
33.Fire rocks
34.Metamorphic rock type caused by high heat
37.The rock folds upward
38.Rock fractured by movement
39.Underground igneous rock body
40.Most common mineral group in the Earth's crust
41.The force that causes normal faults
43.Sedimentary rocks formed from dissolved minerals
44.Aggregate particle much smaller in one dimension
45.The parent rock of quartzite
46.Aggregate particle much longer in one dimension
48.A strongly magnetic mineral
49.The resistance of a mineral to being scratched
50.The hardest mineral
51.Sedimentary rock made up of calcite
53.Rock bent, not fractured
54.The rock folds downward
55.Soil that has not been eroded
56.A high grade metamorphic rock
60.Follows country rock
63.Mineral group having perfect cleavage in one plane

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