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The Magnificent Mole

Teresa Jackson

    7             8    

2.represents 6.02 x 10^23 of any given item
4.when performing unit conversions, you multiply by the conversion factor, making sure you write the __________________ unit on the top
5.the lower case number that follows the element symbol in a formula that represents the number of atoms of that element in the molecule
7.for an element, this is equal to the element's molar mass expressed in grams
9.represents the lowest ration of the elements that make up a molecule
10.when performing unit conversions, if a unit is found both above and below the division line the unit can be ________________
1.represents the relative mass of each element in a molecule if given 100 g of that molecule
3.represents the actual number of atoms of each element that makes up a molecule
6.when performing unit conversions, you multiply by the conversion factor, making sure you write the __________________ unit on the bottom
8.scientist who helped to define the mole and has a very large number named after him

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