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Solar System

Marty Bergoffen

Objects and Phenomena of our Solar System

1 2 3 4
5   6   7          
9                     10          
      12           13            
    16 17 18            

7.Moon of Mars with a large crater named Stickney.
9.Visible part of the sun, with a yellow color.
10.Daily rise and fall of ocean levels caused by the Moon and Sun
11.Hot ball of Hydrogen Gas, uses Fusion to create Helium, light, and heat.
12.Ice Giant planet that is tilted 90 degrees.
13.The shape of all planet's orbits.
15.When two objects appear in the same place in the sky.
18.The day of the year when night and day are the same length.
19.Moon of Saturn with an icy surface and underground oceans that may have living creatures.
20.A star, system that includes planets, moons, asteroids, comets, etc.
21.Has no moons, but is hotter than Mercury.
23.Outer atmosphere of the sun, temperature up to 20 million degrees.
24.A planet smaller than Mars, but with the same gravity.
26.When the moon appears to get bigger.
1.The element that makes up most of the atmosphere of Earth and Titan.
2.An object orbiting a star that is large enough that gravity pulls it into a spherical shape.
3.Moon of Jupiter with active volcanoes.
4.A layer of the sun where energy moves outward like boiling water, in large clumps.
5.Gaseous outer layer of a planet.
6.A building for looking at the sky with a Telescope.
8.Largest planet in the solar system.
9.Huge loop of gas coming from sunspots, can be 30 times the size of Earth.
14.Movement of large pieces of a planets lithospere called Plates
16.Magenetic storm on the sun, with a period of 11 years.
17.When the shadow of one celestial object falls on another.
22.When the moon appears to get smaller.
25.Has a Carbon Dioxide atmosphere and huge volcanoes and canyons.

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