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Volcano Terms

Meriel Kelly

1 2 3
6                   7    
    11 12       13
14   15              
24                       25          

4.Steep-sided domes of thick lava extruded from a volcanic vent (2 Words)
6.Where the edge of one tectonic plate descends and melts beneath another
8.Zones where tectonic plates are colliding (2 Words)
9.An island of Sumbawa that erupted catastrophically in 1815
16.An island volcano in the Sundra Strait that erupted in 1883
19.The center gent boundaries along the rim of the Pacific, where many active volcanoes are found (4 Words)
21.A giant basin with steep walls
23.Mixtures of water-saturated mud and debris that move down the slope under the force of gravity
24.What triggers lahars from June to October (2 Words)
25.All sizes of solid material blown out of a volcano
1.Viscous lava lumps ejected by an explosive eruption (2 Words)
2.Also known as stratovolcanoes (2 Words)
3.Mighty sea waves triggered by earthquakes or volcanic eruptions
5.French term for glowing clouds of hot volcanic ash and gas (2 Words)
7.The plate south of the islands Sumatra and Java in Indonesia (2 Words)
10.The deep oceanic trench east of the Philippines (2 Words)
11.Avalanches of hot ash, gas, and rock fragments that roar down the flanks of volcanoes (2 Words)
12.The finest particle of tephra (2 Words)
13.The trench created by the Indo-Australian plate being subducted beneath the Eurasian plate (2 Words)
14.Magma that flows onto the surface of the earth, cools, and solidifies
15.The Philippines' northernmost large island
17.The world's deepest oceanic trench (2 Words)
18.The volcano that erupted on Luzon in 1991 (2 Words)
20.An ethnic minority group that was greatly affected by Mt. Pinatubo's eruption
22.A Javanese term for volcanic mudflows

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