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Wave interactions


2   3 4
5     6                                          

5.the process of forming a wave with a larger amplitude when two or more waves combine
7.in a standing wave,the location where the particles of the medium are at rest
8.the process of generating a new wave when two or more waves meet
9.in a standing wave, the location where the particles of the medium are moving with greatest speed; the amplitude will be twice the amplitude of the original wave
10.the motion of a wave through a medium,or motion of a wave from one medium to another medium
1.at any point the amplitude of two interfering waves is the sum of the amplitudes of the individual waves
2.a reflection that occurs at a media boundary where the second medium is less dense than the first medium
3.a reflection that occurs at a media boundary where one end of the medium is unable to vibrate;reflections are inverted
4.the process of forming a wave with a amaller amplitude when two or more waves combine
6.an interference pattern produced when incoming and reflected waves interfere with each other;the effect is a wave pattern that appears to be stationary

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