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Wave Interactions


1 2 3
      4 5
6                         7        
    8     9  
  14 15                                    

6.the motion of a wave through a medium, or motion of a wave from one medium to another medium
7.in a standing wave, the location where the particles of the medium are at rest
10.a reflection that occurs at a media boundary where one end of the medium is unable to vibrate
13.in a standing wave, the location where the particles of the medium are moving with greatest speed
15.a reflection that occurs at a media boundary where the second medium is less dense than the first medium
17.when a source of sound approaches an observer, the observed frequency of the sound increases
18.the process of forming a wave with a larger amplitude when two or more waves combine
19.a sound resulting from a string that vibrates with more than one frequency
1.whole-number multiples of the fundamental frequecny
2.at any point the amplitude of two interfering waves is the sum of the amplitudes of the individual waves
3.the condition in which the frequency of a wave equals the resonant frequency of the wave's medium
4.the process of forming a wave with a smaller amplitude when two or more waves combine
5.the frequency at which a medium vibrates most easily
8.an interference pattern produced when incoming and reflected waves interfere with each other
9.the lowest frequency that can produce a standing wave in a given medium
11.the frequency of beats produced by the interference of two waves with slightly different frequencies
12.the process of generating a new wave when two or more waves meet
14.a reduction in the amplitude of a wave as a result of energy absorption or destructive intertference
16.periodic chance in sound intensity caused by the interference between two nearly identical sound waves

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