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Chris Evans


Chris Evans is an very talented good actor in movies.

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5.His sci fi action movie.
7.Birthday Month he was born.
10.Romantic Comedy movie with "Scary Movie" Co Star Anna Faris.
11.An Irish and ______________ descent.
12.He played a character of Sue Storm's younger brother aka Human Torch.
19.City and State where he was born in.
22.An action crime thriller movie with "Transporter" Co Star Jason Statham.
23.Jake Jensen.
24.Movie Where He Played High School student got a score.
25.His skin color is.
27.His brother is also an actor.
28.Johnny Storm aka Human Torch.
29.He played Nick and with "When a stranger calls" Co Star Camille Belle and "The Cat in the Hat" Co Star Dakota Fanning.
1.An Skateboarder Guy.
2._________________________ Known as Johnny Storm, he always say "flame on". Fly.
3.________________________ become Captain America.
4.What year he was born?
5.Best known as __________________ Human Torch from Fantastic Four (2005), Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (2007) and Captain America from Captain America: The First Avenger (2011), The Avengers (2012) and Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014).
6.From Fantastic Four movies when Johnny Storm/Human Torch said "__________________"!
8.Captain America had team up with Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Black Widow, Hawkeye and Nick Fury.
9.His first appeared in funniest movie where he played Jake a high school senior football player.
13.Voice of Casey Jones.
14.Steve Rogers.
15.An _____________ and Italian descent.
16.An Actress that he used to date with __________________________ from London.
17.He played Human Torch and Captain America as superheroes from 2 different ________________ movies.
18.His natural hair color.
20.Action Movie with Keanu Reeves from "Matrix" franchise.
21.His middle name.
26.His Eye color.

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