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Art Elements and Principles of Design #1

Basic vocab for art elements and principles

Word Bank
balance, contrast, emphasis, movement, pattern, rhythm, unity, line, shape, form, color, value, texture, space, abstract, asymmetrical balance, atmospheric perspective, center of interest, collage, complementary colors, composition, contour lines, cool colors, dominance, elongated, focal area

1         2       3
4             5   6               7  
          9     10    
14               15          
        16 17
18                 19      
22           23            

1.the design principle of creating a focal point of greater emphasis or stress and making it the center of interest. Also called emphasis
4.a type of visual balance in which one side of the composition appears different than the other side while remaining balanced with it. Visually equal without being identica (2 Words)
9.is a three-dimensional volume that can be empty or filled with objects. It has width, height, and depth
11.in a work of art, the center of visual attention, often different from the physical center of the work. (2 Words)
13.provides the cohesive quality that makes an artwork feel complete and finished
14.refers to the surface quality, both simulated and actual, of artwork.
15.refers to dark and light
18.used by artists to create dominance and focus in their work
21.a visual focal point or area in a work of art toward which all visual movement is directed. (3 Words)
22.is a mark made by a pointed tool — brush, pencil, stick, pen, etc. — and is often defined as a moving dot. It can vary in width, direction, curvature, length, and even color
23.depends on light because it is made of light. There must be light for us to see. be. Hue, value, and intensity are the three main characteristics
24.stretched out lengthwise; drawn in a way as to exaggerate height or length
2.a way of using color or value to show depth. Distant things appear lighter in value and have less detail and less intense color than things up close (2 Words)
3.an area that is contained within an actual or implied line, or is seen and identified because of color or value changes. Can have two dimensions, length and width, and can be geometric or freeform.
4.a style of art that shows objects, people, and/or places in simplified arrangements of shape, line, texture, or color, often geometric
5.the repetition of visual movement — colors, shapes, or lines
6.colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel (2 Words)
7.colors that are on the blue and green part of the color wheel. (2 Words)
8.the distribution of visual weight in a work of art
10.lines that show the edges of forms and shapes in the simplest way. (2 Words)
11.is three-dimensional; it describes volume and mass. Both may be organic or inorganic, freeform or geometric, natural or man-made.
12.ordered arrangement of elements in a work of art, usually according to the principles of design. Also called visual design
16.used by artists to direct viewers through their work, often to a focal area
17.uses the art elements in planned or random repetitions to enhance surfaces of paintings or sculptures
19.differences in values, colors, textures, shapes, and other elements
20.a technique used by modern artists to make designs by attaching two- and threedimensional objects to a flat surface

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