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Math 8 Exponents


Holt 3.1 & 3.2

1 2 3 4
  8     9        

5.the answer when one number is divided by another
7.one of two numbers whose product is 1
9.a number produced braising a base to an exponent
10.the answer when one number is multiplied by another
12.a number that is multiplied by another number to get a product
14.the number that indicates how many times the base is used as a factor
15.when a quotient with two different factors is raised to a power, raise each base to the power before dividing
16.when a number is raised to a power, the number that is used as a factor
1.when a product with two different factors is raised to a power, raise each factor to the exponent before multiplying
2.any number except zero raised to a negative exponent is equal to 1 divided by that number raised to the opposite (positive) exponent
3.when raising a power to another exponent, keep the base and multiply the exponents
4.when dividing powers with the same base, keep the base and subtract the exponents
6.when multiplying powers with the same base, keep the base and add the exponents
8.(PEMDAS) first simplify operations in parentheses, then compute powers, then multiply and divide from left to right, lastly add and subtract from left to right
11.the zero power of any number except 0, is equal to 1
13.a rule or law followed in mathematics to simplify expressions

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