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Halo Quiz


1 2         3    
4       5  
11   12          
13     14  
    15   16                        
20           21          

2.Supreme rulers or the Covenant; have no idea what the rings actually do
4.all-powerful ring of death
7.name of the ship in Halo 4 that is eventually crashed on the alien planet
8.UNSC soldier delivery vehicle
9.the jeep of the halo trilogy
10.The Spartan with a skill of mercilessly killing aliens. (2 Words)
11.species that are rival to that of the elites
15.David Keyes' UNSC spacecraft (3 Words)
18.the base of most ancient human weapons
19.Ancient fallen humans biomechanically recreated by the antagonist of Halo 4
20.antagonist of Halo 4
21.The most pathetic foes the Spartan will ever come across
1.the base of most Covenant weaponry
3.creator of the AI (2 Words)
5.flying cannon fodder of the Covenant
6.Miranda Keyes' UNSC spacecraft (3 Words)
12.name of the species of the pathetic enemies
13.An ex-Covenant high officer demoted for failure to protect the ring; eventually became an ally of the UNSC along with the Elites
14.signature weapon of the Covenant (2 Words)
16.alien planet home to the mysterious ancient humans in Halo 4
17.AI assistant to the Spartan

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