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Economic Terms PBF

Sean Rosner

Word Bank
Allowance, Budget, Economics, Expenses, Goal, Labor, Spend, Wage, Wants, Save, Saving, Savings, Workers, Work, Productivity, Costs, Income, Job, Bank, Market Ecomomy

1 2
4   5        
6 7          
9         10  
12   13  
16 17              

5.The quantity and quality of human effort available to produce goods and services
7.Financial institution that provides various products and services to its customers, including checking and savings accounts, loans and currency exchange
8.Use money now to buy goods and services
9.Amount that must be paid or spent to buy or obtain something. The effort, loss or sacrifice necessary to achieve or obtain something
11.Spending-and-savings plan, based on estimated income and expenses for an individual or organization, covering a specific time period
14.Something a person or organization plans to achieve in the future; an aim or desired result
15.Amount of output (goods and services) produced per unit of input (productive resources) used
17.Money set aside for future use in easily-accessed accounts: savings accounts, certificates of deposit
19.Payment for goods and services
20.A piece of work usually done on order at an agreed-upon rate. Also a paid postiton of regular employment
1.Effort applied to achieve a puropse or result, often for pay; skills and knowledge put to use to get something done; employment at a job or in a position; occupation, profession, business, trade, craft, etc.
2.Economy that relies on a system of interdependent market prices to allocate goods, services, and productive resources and to coordinate diverse plans of consumers and producers. (2 Words)
3.Keep money for future use; divert money from current spending to savings account or other investment
4.Desires that can be satisfied by consuming or using a good or service. Economists do not differentiate between wants and needs
6.Payments earned by households for selling or renting their productive resources. May include salaries wages, interest and dividends
10.Study of how people, firms and societies choose to allocate scarce resources with alternative uses
12.Money paid regulary to a person, often parent to child; sometimes in compensation for services rendered
13.Disposable income (income after taxes) minus consumption spending
16.Payments for labor services directly tied to time worked, or to the number of units of output produced
18.People employed to do work, producing goods and services

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