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Chapter Three Human Development

Sections 3.1 and Pages 66-68 of 3.2

In-class Activity

1 2
3 4               5
    11             12  

4.not actually junk, but regulate the activity of protein-producing genes
8.quirk of meiosis where parts of chromosomes are exchanged in cell division
10.through learning and socialization, humans adjust to change and pass this on to future genereations
11.the cell produced by the union of sperm and egg, before it undergoes cleavage.
13.nature allows survival and reproduction in those members whose genes permit them to adapt to their environment
14.more usual process of cell division, resulting in each cell containing the same 46 chromosomes
15.threadlike bodies in the nucleus that are made up of genes
16.the genetic endowment that members of a species have in common
17.studied dark and light moths in highly industrialized area
1.map of the sequence of the units (letters) that make up DNA
2.double helix sequence of A and C, also T and G
3.result of one fertilized ovum dividing into two genetically identical individuals
5.called dizygotic because two eggs are involved
6.the moment the egg is fertilized by the sperm
7.single female reproductive cell
9.any of several forms of a gene, usually arising through mutation, that are responsible for hereditary variation
12.process where sperm and ova conjugate, then split twice, resulting in each having only 23 chromosomes

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