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Economics PBF

Lamia Suko

Word Bank
Bank Account, Capital, Character, Consume, Decision, Economics, Expenses, Income, Interest, Labor, Opportunity Cost, Regulation, Resources, Save, Saving, Scarcity, Wage, Wants, Work, Workers

1 2
3     4
  6 7                
12   13    
14                   15            
17           18  

5.Payments for labor services directly tied to time worked, or to the number of units of output produced.
7.The basic kinds of resources used to produce goods and services: land or natural resources, human resources, (including labor and entrepreneurship), and capital
8.to buy and use goods or service.
9.a conclusion reached after considering alternatives and their results.
11.arrangement by which a bank holds funds on behalf of a depositor. (2 Words)
14.Study of how people, firms and societies chose to allocate scarce resources with alternatives uses.
15.People employed to do work, producing goods and service.
16.in the context of credit transactions, one of the 3 Cs of credit.
17.Payments earned by households for selling or renting their productibe resources.
19.Resources and goods made and used to produce other goods and services.
1.desires that can be satisfied by consuming or using a good or service.
2.Second- best alternative (or value of that alternative) that must be given up when scarce respources are used for one purpose vs. another (2 Words)
3.Disposable income (income after taxes) minus consumption spending
4.Money paid regularly, at a particular rate, for the use of borrowed money.
6.Economic regulation - prescription of price + output for a specific industry , often a natural monopoly.
10.The quantity and quality of human effort available to produce goods and services.
12.Effort applied to achieve a purpose or result, often for pay; skills and knowledge put to use to get something done; employement at a job or in a position; occupation, profession, business, trade, craft, etc.
13.The condition that exists because human wants exceed the capacity of available resources to satisfy those wants; also a situation in which a resouce has more than one valuable use.
14.Payments for goods and services.
18.keep money for future use; divert money from current spending to savings account or other investment.

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