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Economics Terms (Personal Finance)

De'Asia Henry

1 2
3   4      
6           7              
  8   9
10           11             12

4.Payments for labor services directly tied to time worked, or to the number of units of output produced
6.Disposable income (income after taxes) minus consumption spending
7.Payments for goods and services
10.Decision made or course of action taken when faced with a set of alternatives
11.To buy and use goods or service
13.Anything generally accepted as final payment for goods and services; a medium of exchange, store of value and standard of value. characteristics: portability, stability in value, uniformity, durability, and acceptance
14.People employed to do work, producing goods and services.
15.Amount of output (goods and services) produced per unit of input (productive resources) used.
16.Economic regulation- prescription of price + output for a specific industry, often a natural resources, human resources (including labor and entrepreneurship), and capital.
17.Money paid regularly to a person, often parent to child; sometimes in comprehension for services tendered.
19.Arrangement by which bank holds funds on behalf of depositor. Also, the balance of funds held under such an arrangement, credited to and subject to withdrawal by the depositor.
20.A piece of work usually done on order at an agreed-upon rate. Also a paid position of regular employment
1.Govt activity in establishing a framework (rules of the games) in economic life. In the U.S, involves preserving and fostering competition, regulating natural monopolies, providing info = services to enable the market to work better, regulating externals, providing certain public goods, offering some economic security and income redistribution to individuals, assuring a sound monetary system = promoting overall economic stability + growth
2.Keep money for future use, divert money from current spending to savings account or other investment.
3.Something a person earned or organization plans to achieve in the future; an aim or desired result.
5.Income received for entrepreneurial skills, and risk taking, calculated by subtracting all of firms explicit and implicit costs from its total revenues
8.A conclusion reached after considering alternatives and their results
9.Money put into a financial account. Also, to place money in a financial account.
12.Use money now to buy goods and services
18.The quantity and quality of human effort available to produce goods and services

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