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The History of Law

Mr. McLean

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2.Babylonian king who created first known code of laws
6."Trial by ____" involved fighting to determine who was right in a legal dispute
7.Courts held by circuit (travelling) judges
8.The "Great Binding Law" was created by the _______ Confederacy
11.Not allowed to speak on their own behalf in a trial in ancient Athens
15."Magna Carta" in English is __________ (2 Words)
16.Canadian province whose civil law is modelled after France's
17.Trial by _____ helping
20.Latin for "to stand by the decision" (2 Words)
24.English document that protects legal rights (2 Words)
25.The "rule of ______" is followed in the common law system
28.System of deciding cases developed by King Henry II of England (2 Words)
29.All Athenian citizens were _____
30.Legal professionals who first appeared in ancient Rome
32.Byzantine emperor who produced a code of civil law
33.King Henry II's domain
1.Consisted of 100's or 1000's of Athenian citizens
3."Eye for an eye" justice
4.Roman language
5.Athens' form of government
9.Concept of making payment to the victim of a crime
10.English king who signed the Magna Carta
12.Hebrew leader associated with the 10 Commandments
13.AKA "The Great Binding Law"
14.Trial by _______ was used in medieval Britain and involved what we consider to be torture
18.Number of citizens on a modern Canadian jury
19.Greek philosopher condemned to death by an Athenian jury
20._______ Circles were inspired by Aboriginal law
21.The Civil Code of France is also know as the ________ Code
22.The Twelve _______ of Rome
23.'The law must be ______" was a basic principle of Roman law
26.AKA "common law" (2 Words)
27."Habeas ______" is Latin for "to have the body"
31.Who medieval people looked to for signs of innocence or guilt

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