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"How Starbucks Saved My Life". Chapter #4

Nick Troyansky

The vocabulary of the 4th chapter and several words from the 3rd chapter.

3           4
9 10 11     12
16           17                  

3.Unable to speak, as from shyness, embarrassment, or surprise - "...-tied"
5.Without worry or anxiety - "At ..."
7.An act, song, or performer that receives so much applause that the performance is interrupted
13.To do whatever is necessary - "To go to any ..."
14.Requiring long, hard work
16.To be angry about - "To harbor a ..."
17.Pleasant in sound
18.Is used to talk about things that are expected or planned to happen at a certain time - "To be ... to"
1.A working class person who performs manual labour - "A ... collar"
2.Michael said:"I am sorry for being such a ... fool"
4.The combination of circumstances at a given time - "The state of ..."
6.Tending to spread from person to person (e.g. laughter or disease)
8.A violent demonstration of rage or frustration; a sudden burst of ill temper
9.A term used to describe what a person could or should have been but never was
10.Someone who is very enthusiastic; someone who works very hard - "Eager ...''
11.Latin phrase meaning the existing state of affairs - "Status ..."
12.To do things in a way that is meant to attract attention - "To ... off"
15.To stop dead; stop quickly - "To stop on a ..."

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