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Family and Parenting

Katianna Mansfield

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11.A response towards a child's misbehavior aimed at discouraging them from repeating it. (2 Words)
13.The lack of nurturing/care.
14.Helping children learn to control their own behavior.
15.The process of helping children learn and develop.
1.A type of parenting in which the child has almost complete control over how they are raised. (2 Words)
2.A response towards a child's good behavior aimed at encouraging them to repeat it. (2 Words)
3.A type of parenting in which the child has little or no say in how they are raised. (2 Words)
4.A type of family in which relatives, besides parents and children, live with them. (2 Words)
5.Your inner sense of what is right.
6.A type of family with a mother, a father, and at least one child born from the mother and father. (2 Words)
7.A type of family in which you are "married into", with single parents. Example: Stepdad, stepmom, stepchildren, etc. (2 Words)
8.A type of parenting in which the child has some say in how they are raised. (2 Words)
9.A type of family in which a single mother or father raises the child by themselves. (2 Words)
10.A child's ability to control their own behavior.
12.Taking care of a child and giving them opportunities for encouragement/enrichment.

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