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Pediatric bones

K. Saunders

Musculoskeletal conditions in Pediatrics

Word Bank
Osteogenesis Imperfecta, Clavicle, Contusion, Dislocation, Sprains, Strains, Epiphyseal plate, Compartment syndrome, Spica, Paresthesia, Scoliosis, Pavlik, Clubfoot, Subluxation, Ortolani test, Osteopenia, Osteomyelitis, Harrington rod, Septic arthritis, Limb deficiency, Duchenne, Transverse fracture, Oblique fracture, Gowers sign, Traction

1 2 3 4
5                         6  
7               8         9
11   12          
18                                   19
    20           21

5.Assistance to standing position in MD
7.Most frequently broken bone in childhood
10.Exam for hip clicks in suspected DDH
13.Complication in a casted extremity
14.Torsional deformity of the spine and trunk
18.Active growth area on long bones
22.Toddler's fracture
23.Displacement of position of opposing bone ends
24.Escape of blood into tissues
1.Inflammation or infection of bony tissue
2.Inherited disorder of connective tissue
3.Type of casting for a fractured femur
4.Extended pulling force used for alignment
6.Insufficient bone tissue
8.Most common fracture in child abuse
9.Ligament torn or stretched by force
11.Harness used for DDH treatment
12.Microscopic tear of muscle or tendon
14.Usually involves only one joint
15.Congenital form of amputation
16.Used in scoliosis repair
17.Sensation distal to fracture site
19.Partial dislocation i.e. of hip
20.Congenital deformity with inversion of heel & hindfoot
21.Pseudohypertrophic muscular dystrophy

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