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Tom Curtain

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3.The way to pass the ball with your hands and fist in AFL
6.When a player stops the ball with there hands in AFL
8.Generally a tall player that contests all centre bounces and ball ups in AFL
9.when the ball goes past the baseline in soccer it can be a ....
11.the top of the net in soccer
12.when a player uses there hands in a game of soccer
13.When an opposition player spoils the ball in AFL
14.When a player jumps on a player and takes a mark
1.When a player kicks the ball through the middle posts in AFL
2.When you get a warning for doing the wrong actions in Soccer
4.When a players marks the ball on the full from a kick
5.The way to pass the ball with your foot in AFL
7.When a player kicks the ball from the edge into a pack of players in soccer
8.When a player does the wrong action and gets sent off the pitch in Soccer
10.when the goalkeeper in soccer has a free kick

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