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The Hell Of Two Suicide teens


August 7/2012: Two terrorized teens have climed up a Natinal-Tele communications tower (The height of the freedom tower) A caucasian boy,14 and African-American Girl 13,Were bullied relentlesly because they were ''dating''. The two climed up the ''radio'' tower and leaped to their deaths,hugging as they went down. Both parished within seconds oppon landing. Three days later the 6 bullies were arrested and charged with assult and battery 3rd degree after they confesed to ganging up on the two victims in their school. The report says that ******** and ***** Were out at lunch in the school yard when 6 of the bullies began hitting,kicking and spitting on the victims. Two days after the fight the bullies began sending e-mails to the 14 year-old Using fake profile names asking for s*×. They posted a image of the 14 year-old “(doing something)” to his 13 year-old girlfriend. When the two teens saw this, they sent a death note to the bully ,this is what it says{“Sorry for causing you problems, we are sorry we got in your way,we hope you ,along with our families,can have a good future,Ps:Jumping from wi-fi tower”} 4 Hours after they posted the comment,they both climed atop the Natinal Tele-communication tower,and fell to their deaths. All six bullies were arrested but one bully hanged himself ,the other five will be given 75 years in prison and are charged with 1st degree murder. Stop bullying teens who date outside their race. Stop bullying Now.


2.To kill an innocent being by shooting ,Suicide,Poison,War, car crashes,terrorist and bombers.
3.To have life and liberty
1.Extreme passon between These teens.

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