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Research Methods in Psychology

Ustadh Faiyaz Khan

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4.Variable that is systematically manipulated, changed or varied in some way by the researcher in order to assess its effect on the participants' responses.
5.Aspect of a participant's behaviour or experience that is observed or measured and is expected to change as a result of the manipulation of IV.
6.A person's thoughts and feelings, which are personal, or subjective, and cannot be directly observed.
12.Scientific study of mental processes and behaviour in human.
13.an observable event.
15.Repeat the study in order to test the accuracy of the results.
16.People who take part in the research.
17.Unprocessed data.
18.Research is based on scientific assumptions, 'rules' and procedures, and is planned, conducted and reported in a systematic way.
1.Testable prediction of the relationship between two or more events or characteristics.
2.Determine how likely it is that the results obtained for the study could have occurred by chance.
3.Tools or techniques used to collect, analyse and interpret data.
7.Any factor that can change in amount or type over time.
8.A qualified medical doctor who has obtained further qualifications to be a specialist in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mental illness and emotional problems.
9.Procedures that will be used to manipulate and measure in an experiment.
10.Taking steps to prevent personal factors from influencing any aspect of the research or its reporting.
11.Psychology is a ___________ study.
14.Any externally expressed action made by a living person that can be directly observed.

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