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The Middle Passage

Madison Liggio

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3.The place were most slaves were bought to be later sold to plantation masters
4.The ocean the ships sailed over to get to their desired destination.
6.A disease that was prevalent on the ship and spread like wildfire.
7.A surgeon who took four voyages, but eventually became an absolutist and wrote An Account of the Slave Trade.
9.A philosophy that ship captains practice that consisted of packing slaves tightly and treating them harshly, hoping to have a greater number arrive at their destination.
12.Communities the slaves formed as an act of survival.
16.A European trader who waited on the forts for the slaves.
17.An English abolitionist who wrote an essay against slavery, formed an society against slavery, and helped pass the Slave Act of 1807.
18.This trade was very popular, the main reason for the middle passage,and caused many deaths.
19.A philosophy that ship captains practiced that consisted of packing slaves lightly and treat treating them more humane, hoping to yield a greater profit.
20.A two month voyage that brought slaves across the Atlantic Ocean to the West Indies.
1.A group formed in May 1787 by Thomas Clarkson and his friend, along with many members, that raised awareness and support for a new law that would abolish slavery.
2.A African tribe leaders son who, at the age of eleven, was kidnapped and forced into slavery and embarked on the Middle Passage, but was later freed and participated in the movement to end slavery.
5.A plan that showed how the ship captains stored slaves, and reveled that they were packing them past maximum hold.
8.The middle passage was the middle leg of the ______ ______.
10.A act passed in 1788, also known as the Dolben Act, which was passed by parliament and limited the number of slaves British ships could transport.
11.The main place slaves would be brought to be sold to slave masters.
13.These were places slaves would go to work for masters, which usually meant growing sugarcane, cotton, etc.
14.A slave ship captain who took part in the Middle Passage, but eventually quit and wrote "Amazing Grace".
15.Marches the slaves took from the ships to the coast to be sold to European traders.

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