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moon vocabulary

Raelynn and Brandon and Hayden

domain specific words about the moon

1 2 3
  5 6    
7           8          
11   12              

4.a mixture of fine dust and rocky debris starts with r
7.the missions to different planets starts with A
8.a mark from a meteor on a planet starts with c
9.a remote control machine in space starts with s
11.the gas surrounding a celestial body word starts with a
1.a U.S. space program starts with N
2.the sun and the planets that orbit it 2 words together
3.the dust from comets and interstellar starts with s
5.a machine that travels around a planet starts with r
6.the many tons of dust grains in space starts with c, 2 words together
10.a force that pulls an object towards another object starts with g
12.a ball of rock in space starts with m

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