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4.0.1 Finance

Sean Rosner

Word Bank
Start-Up, Operation, Expansion, Start-Up Budget, Operating Budget, Cash Budget, Assets, Liabilities, Owners Equity, Financial Statements, Finacial Performance, Current Ratio, Return on Equity, Net income ratio

5 6    
7 8                
      11       12

3.Value of the owners investment in the business (2 Words)
4.Financial planning includes determining the amount of money needed to start and operate the business until a profit is made. Also the major sales and expenses are determined.
8.What a company owns
10.Used for ongoing business operations for a specific period (2 Words)
13.Provide a picture of the financial performance of a business (2 Words)
14.Used to estimate cash flow in and out of a business (2 Words)
1.Comparisons using a companys finaical data to determine how well a business is performing (2 Words)
2.Used by a new business or durning expansion of a business untill profits are made (2 Words)
5.Measures a corporation's profitability by revealing how much profit a company generates with the money shareholders have invested (3 Words)
6.a measurement of financial efficiency and is determined based on information derived from a bussiness or farm operations' financial statements, specifically using the financials that determine gross farm income (3 Words)
7.A financial ratio that shows the proportion of current assets to current libilities (2 Words)
9.Financial planning includes determining whether they are making enough money to operate. The basic formula used is Revenue – Expenses = Profit or Loss.
11.What a company owes
12.Financial planning includes determining whether enough money is made to cover growth opportunities

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