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Literary genre crossword

Jeffrey Joseph Belvedere

2   3
5   6          
  9   10

4.A history of a person's life written and told by that person.
6.Rhythmical written or spoken words that are imaginative and or deep in meaning.
7.An exaggerated, unreliable story.
8.A non historical or unverifiable story handed down by tradition.
11.Anything that is kept secret or remains unexplained or unknown.
12.Something that has a lot of information.
1.A story using made up characters that could happen in real life.
2.Any belief or story passed on traditionally, especially one considered tobe false or based on superstition
3.A traditional or legendary story, usually concerning some being or hero.
5.A short tale to teach a moral lesson, often with animals.
9.Something feigned, invented, or imagined; a made-up story.
10.A class or category of artistic works including music, books, and art.

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