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5.It is a special relationship where each input has a single output.
7.The function is_____________if for all x and y, of a determined interval, such that x<y one has f(x) lower than f(y)
8.x0 is______________if the value of the function f at x0 is greater than (or equal to) the value anywhere else in the choosen interval
9.is the slope of the tangent line to the graph of f at x
10.x0 is______________if the value of the function f at x0 is greater than (or equal to) the value anywhere else in the domain
1.All the values that go into a function
2.x0 is______________if the value of the function f at x0 is lower than (or equal to) its value for every point x in the domain
3.The function is ____________in x0 if the limit of f(x) as x approaches to x0 through the domain of f exist and is equal to f(x0)
4.The function is_____________for all x and y, of a determined interval, such that x<y one has f(x)>f(y)
6.x0 is___________If the function f at x0 is lower (or equal to) than f(x) anywhere else in the choosen interval

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