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Solar System

S. Falzone

Use the information sources from class to answer this puzzle.

1 2
4     5 6          
9                               10
    11     12
14       15                
19         20      
22 23           24      

6.The sixth planet from the sun is a gas planet with 21 moons. Best known for its large rings made of icy chunks.
8.The sun, the nine planets and their moons as well as other objects that orbit the sun. (2 Words)
9.The warming of the Earth’s surface and the lower levels of the atmosphere, caused by elements such as sulfuric acid and carbon dioxide that trap heat beneath the clouds. (2 Words)
13.Name given to Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, all of which are made up of liquids and gases with the exception of Pluto, which is rocky and solid.A great distance separates them from the four inner planets. (2 Words)
14.Odd-shaped rock and/or metal pieces which orbit the sun, varying in size from small enough to hold to big enough to land on. There are approximately one million of these that orbit the sun in a belt between the inner and outer planets.
16.The movement of a celestial body in an orbit or elliptical course. The Earth takes a year to complete one revolution around the sun.
17.The fifth planet from the sun is the largest in the solar system, comprised of gases and liquids, and features very severe weather. Also known for the Great Red Spot, a wind storm that is three times the size of the Earth.
19.The third planet from the sun is our home and features a breathable atmosphere containing oxygen, large amounts of liquid water and a range of temperatures suitable for sustaining life.
21.Name given to Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars, all of which are similar in size, substance and shape. A great distance separates them from the five outer planets. (2 Words)
22.The seventh planet from the sun is a gas planet with smaller and darker rings than those of neighboring Saturn.
24.The fourth planet from the sun is known as the “red planet” because the soil contains iron oxide (rust), which is often blown into the air, giving the sky a reddish pink appearance.
25.A mutual force of attraction between two bodies; the larger the body, the greater the gravitational force.
1.The ninth planet from the sun is the coldest in the solar system, a solid, rocky planet that would take 12 years to reach if traveling from Earth.
2.Another name for the inner planets (2 Words)
3.The eighth planet from the sun is an extremely windy and cold planet that is colored blue by its gases – a strangely tilted planet
4.A large body of solid rock, liquid or gas that revolves around the sun.
5.NASA’s reusable space vehicles that would lift off from Florida’s Cape Canaveral powered by large rockets. (2 Words)
7.Another name for the outer planets (2 Words)
10.Large clumps of ice and dust that travel through space in orbit around the sun.
11.Unmanned vehicles and/or instruments sent into space to collect samples or take photos of areas where astronauts cannot travel.
12.Men and women who travel to space in rocket-powered vehicles to study the solar system.
15.The spinning of a planet on its axis. On Earth, it takes a full day, or 24 hours, for one rotation, which results in night and day.
18.The second planet from the sun is the hottest in the solar system, featuring a solid, rocky surface, with volcanoes and channels surrounded by a thick, toxic atmosphere.
20.The first planet from the sun is a deserted ball of rock that resembles the Earth’s moon, containing no oxygen and a thin atmosphere.
23.A robotic vehicle designed to explore the surfaces of planets.

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