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World of Biology

Shahzaib Baig

Complete the crossword

Word Bank
Organelle, Nucleus, Mitochondria, Ribosome, Golgi, Lysosome, Centriole, Membrane, Chlorophyll, Chromosome, Chloroplast, Vacuole, Wall, Mitosis, Cytoplasm, Diffusion, Gene, Heart, Tissue, Vesicle, Cytokinesis, Capillary

3 4       5 6   7
14                       15

4.Each Section of DNA that codes for a particular protein
8.Thin walled blood vessel
9.Organizing centers for microfilaments (spindle fibers) during mitosis
10.Gives plants their green colour
11.Small organelle filled with enzymes; where digestion takes place
12.Found only in plant cells, this surrounds the cell
14.Division of the cytoplasm during mitosis
16.Large vessicle that stores food or water for the cell - very large central one in plant cells
18.Group of cells that function together to perform a specialized task
19.These small organelles make proteins
20.This surrounds the cell and contains proteins that allow nutrients in and out of the cell
1.A specialized part of a cell that performs a special function / a small organ in a cell
2.Muscular pump that supplies blood to all parts of the body
3.the 'brain' of the cell / the control center containing DNA
5.Membrane bound organelle that transports substances throughout the cell
6.The powerhouse of the cell - makes energy in the form of ATP
7.Jelly like substance that fills the cell and surrounds the organelles
8.Only in plant cells, this organelle converts sunlight into energy for the cell
9.Long piece of coiled DNA and proteins; only visible during mitosis
13.Process of moving substances across a cell membrane
15.The shipping/receiving and packaging center for the cell
17.The term for cell division - when one cell divides into two identical daughter cells

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