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Eco-Fun Crossword

Alyssa Hiralall

1 2                 3 4
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10   11                            
12     13      
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40   41   42 43                
44                           45        
          46             47        

2.an organism that can produce its own food using its surroundings.
7.cultivation of plants placing the roots in liquid nutrients solution rather than in soil.
9.organic soil formed by decomposed leaves and other plant materials.
11.a region in the ocean where plastic garbage has accumulated.
12.the source of all the energy in an ecosystem.
14.the increase of concentration of chemicals which are passes up the food chain.
15.a naturally-occurring radioactive gas which can collect in basements and attics.
17.the count of all the members of a population.
19.these are formed from gas and can be toxic to marine life.
20.pollution caused by chemical farming, mining and building activity.
22.rain water and other precipitation which flows off ground surfaces directly into waterways.
23.a plastic/clay barrier around a modern landfill which prevents toxic liquids from contaminating the surrounding environment.
28.plants or animals that have been genetically engineered with DNA from bacteria, viruses and other plants and animals.
30.the feel of gravel and sand.
31.increase in crop production in developing countries using fertilizers and pesticides.
32.the total role that an organism has in a community.
34.the ability of chemicals to stay in an organism's body.
37.takes up to 80 years to degrade.
38.pollution that cannot be easily traced to a single source.
43.the space or area in which an organism lives.
44.when the sun and the waves break plastic garbage into small pieces.
46.refers to the way agricultural products are grown and produced.
48.number one consumer item in the world.
49.a term used to describe a product which has been falsely advertised as eco-friendly
50.contaminated with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons which may cause cancer.
51.the toxic, liquid materials which is produced when garbage in a landfill decomposes.
52.lighter particles that will rise with hot gases as the garbage is burned.
53.organic waste which can be broken down to produce valuable nutrient rich fertilizer.
1.a circular current in an ocean which swirls around and traps plastic garbage.
2.a non-point source could cause...
3.production of food, fibre or other plants or animal products using techniques that protects the environment, public health and human communities.
4.produced or process of compost using various worms.
5.a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of the soil.
8.the residue lift behind when garbage is incinerated.
10.a raw piece of plastic used to make consumer products.
13.a measure of the spaces for volume of soil and the average distance between those spaces.
18.another name for Chemical Valley.
20.a combination of the two words smoke and fog.
21.the electronic waste of people disposing of electronics after it has broken or the consumer has no need for it any more.
24.a social movement dedicated to protecting earth's support system for the humans and other species.
25.the cloudiness of water.
26.biological, chemical or physical are examples of ________ monitoring.
27.another word for burning.
29.elements essential for plants growth, which are needed in very small amounts.
35.heavier non-burnable materials.
36.opposite of emigration.
39.the relationship between living and non-living organisms.
40.toxins in...
41.energy ________ as you go up the food chain.
42.a chemical which has been shown to cause cancer in animals.
44.the number of individuals of a single species in an area.
45.a stone farmers use to fix soil that is too acidic.
47.the disposal of solid waste in a specially designed ground site.

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