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Once Upon A Time (TV series)


A puzzle based on the abc series "Once Upon A Time"

1 2 3 4 5
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6.David Nolan worked briefly at an? (2 words)
7.Henry prefers______ on his hot cocoa?
9.The eighth dwarf.
11.Who was the first character from the Enchanted Forest to enter our world?
12.Cora is the_____. (3 words)
13.Elsa was trapped in the urn for____ years?
15.The name of Young Regina's lover, "the stable boy"
16.The actress who plays Ingrid / The Snow Queen.
17.Gepetto's Storybrooke alias.
18.The Mad Hatters Storybrooke alias.
19.The actress who plays Snow White?
20.One of Ingrid's sisters.
22.Who does Snow White hit with an arrow in "Heart of Darkness"
23.Red Ridding Hoods Storybrooke alias.
27.Emma is the ____?
29.Zelena stole David Nolans?
30.Pinocchio must remain____,______, and unselfish in order to stay a real boy. (2 words)
31.What color flowers does Regina leave at Henry's grave as the Dark Curse forms?
32.Where were Snow White and Prince Charming first married?
37.Snow Whites storybrooke alias.
39.Another name for Rumpelstiltskin.
40.August Booth claims to come to Storybrooke for____because he tells Emma he is a writter?
41.The actor who plays Mr. Gold / Rumpelstiltskin.
42.Rumpelstiltskin's first wife?
44.Cinderellas story brook alias.
45."All magic comes with a _____"
46.Which object do Rumpelstiltskin and The Evil Queen plan to defeat Peter Pan with?
48.Prince Eric is from a______ kingdom?
51.The name of Mary Margret and David Nolan's son.
52.The actress who plays Regina Mills / The Evil Queen
54.Dr. Hoppers dog.
55.Who was The Dark One before Rumpelstiltskin?
56.The actor who plays the Huntsman / Sheriff Graham Humbert.
57.Emma's boyfriend, whom she almost marries, from her year in New York?
58.Granny makes a mean?
1.Where Snow White meets Grumpy?
2.Which fairy lost her wings?
3.Snow Whites mother? (2 words)
4.Which place in Neverland holds people captive because of their regret? (3 words)
5.Which poison almost kills Mr. Gold?
8.A substance that can freeze magical beings momentarily? (2 words)
10.Zelena / The Wicked Witch is who's half sister?
14.In season two, what object begins to duplicate in Mr. Golds shop?
21.A character who has been under a sleeping curse?
22.Who was the Yaoguai?
24.The city in British Columbia used as Storybrooke.
25.The name of the Giant Emma and Hook discover on the bean stalk.
26.Which hand of Killian Jones did Rumpelstiltskin cut off?
28.The name of Moe French's flower shop. (3 words)
33.The alias Emma uses when she travels to The Enchanted Forest past in season 3.
34.What is Robin Hood and Marion's son's name?
35.Captain Hooks real name.
36.In season two, which character has never had a hamburger before?
38.The actress who plays Zelena / The Wicked Witch of the West.
39.Who killed Lancelot?
43.Who did Belle free from the Dark Ones Castle in the episode "Lacey"
47.How old was Bealfire when his father abandoned him?
49."Peter Pan never____"
50.The number of times the dark curse was cast.
53.Grumpy's true love.

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