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It's Alive!

1 2
5 6              
7   8            
    11 12            
13           14            

3.A reptile with a long cylindrical body and no legs (5)
6.A black and white sea bird which cannot fly but uses its small wings to help it swim (7)
8.A small animal (a rodent) covered in fur with a short tail and large spaces in each side of its mouth which are used for storing food (7)
9.A small creature (an arachnid) which lives in hot dry areas of the world and has a long body and a curved tail with a poisonous sting (8)
12.A wild animal of the cat family, with yellowish brown fur and black spots, which can run faster than any other animal (7)
13.A large fish that has sharp teeth and a triangular fin on its back which can sometimes be seen above the water (5)
14.A large ape that comes from western Africa (7)
15.A small, very intelligent African ape with black or brown fur (10)
16.A small flying insect that bites people and animals, and sucks their blood (8)
1.A small black and white North American animal that makes a strong unpleasant smell as a defence when it is attacked (5)
2.An animal which lives in the sea and has a long body covered with a hard shell, two large claws and eight legs (7)
4.A large African animal with a very long neck and long legs (7)
5.A sea mammal that is large, smooth and grey, with a long pointed mouth (7)
7.A flat brown or black insect sometimes found in the home (9)
10.A very large thick-skinned animal from Africa or Asia, which has one or two horns on its nose (10)
11.A large reptile with a hard skin that lives in and near rivers and lakes in the hot, wet parts of America and China (9)

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